An integrated data management and video system for sampling aquatic benthos
Using experimental ecology to understand stock enhancement: Comparisons of habitat-related predation on wild and hatchery-reared Penaeus plebejus Hess
Using trophic flows and ecosystem structure to model the effects of fishing in the Jurien Bay Marine Park, temperate Western Australia
Understanding the spawning dynamics of orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus, in south-eastern Australia
Forecasting climate change impacts on marine communities of Jurien Bay, Western Australia
Using trophic flows and ecosystem structure to model the effects of fishing in the Jurien Bay Marine Park, temperate Western Australia
Complexity affects habitat preference and predation mortality in postlarval Penaeus plebejus: implications for stock enhancement
A new era for restocking, stock enhancement and sea ranching of coastal fisheries resources
Using trophic flows and ecosystem structure to model the effects of fishing in Jurien Bay Marine Park (Western Australia)