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Genetic isolation between coastal and fishery-impacted, offshore bottlenose dolphin (Tursiopsspp.) populations
Calculation of predation rates of restocked individuals: the influence of timing-of-release on survival
Trophic flows, kelp culture and fisheries in the marine ecosystem of an artificial reef zone in the Yellow Sea
An evaluation of an iterative harvest strategy for data-poor fisheries using the length-based spawning potential ratio assessment methodology
Final project Review for ACIAR project ACIAR Project FIS/1999/025. Optimal release strategies for restocking and stock enhancement of the tropical sea cucumber, sandfish (Holothuria scabra)
Effort analysis. In Rothlisberg PC and Okey TA (eds). Variation in banana prawn catches at Weipa: a comprehensive regional study
Efficacy of restocking an estuarine-resident species demonstrated by long-term monitoring of cultured fish with alizarin complexone-stained otoliths. A case study
Evaluating data-limited fisheries for grouper (Serranidae) and snapper (Lutjanidae) in the Coral Triangle, eastern Indonesia