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The enigma of alternating duets in Flores and Solor (eastern Indonesia)
Chanter sans être ensemble Des musiques juxtaposées pour un public invisible
Funérailles à Bali : Quatre étapes clefs de la fabrication rituelle et relationnelle d'ancêtres proches des vivants à Bali (Indonésie)
To Sing the Rice in Tanjung Bunga (Eastern Flores), Indonesia
Ritual Music and Christianization in the Toraja Highlands, Sulawesi
prátiKA muziKáL no pAtrimóniu ne’eBé perigu Atu laKon iha illa ataúru (timor-leste)
Lessons of peace in Aceh: administrative decentralization and political freedom as a strategy of pacification in Aceh
The Political Economy of Clientelism: A Comparative Study of Indonesia’s Patronage Democracy